Welcome to my mini home and a glimpse into my life with 9 children. 7 of my children are 5 and under so we never have a dull moment in this "establishment". My husband and I had a totally different idea of what life for us was going to be like. When I met my future husband we had the "how many kids do you want talk". I told him I wanted 8 childrena and he said no way. We negotioated to 3 children. Little did we know that God had different and bigger plans. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my circus of a life :)

Friday, September 30, 2011


So for the past oh 6 months we have had a hard time with Emma. She has been having some extremely serious emotional breakdowns and we were getting very concerned with what to do. I was at a loss and in tears some days because I just didn't know what to do or how to help her. I felt mad, frustrated, sad and every other emotion you can think of. My poor daughter was just not doing well AT ALL.

So as her mom, I was determined to find out what was going on with my sweet girl. I prayed, as well as made several phone calls to her pediatrician and her specialists. We decided that perhaps a change of medication would be best for her. We tried a new medication that was a good medicine. We started with a very small dose. I think the mess did well and I was hoping that this was going to help her. Well she was on it for about a month when we had to make a visit to her eye doctor.

As the eye tech guy was giving her a vision test, Emma kept saying well I can't see that picture. I wasn't concerned at first until her eye doctor came in and said Emma's vision is very' very poor. A very significant increase of vision loss. I was surprised when she told me this. Then we discussed that she had a new med and perhaps this was the cause of her vision issues. The doctor left the room to go do research on this particular medicine. She returns and says that this medicine can cause blurred vision. Well Emma's vision was greatly reduced due to this medication, so I took her off if it immediately.

So then the next day, I put her back on her old medicine and she is doing wonderful! Not sure why, but I am a happy momma again! Oh wait, I know, the Lord answers prayers!!! We also started giving her naps again. I am so thankful that we homeschool, because she would not get her much needed nap.