Welcome to my mini home and a glimpse into my life with 9 children. 7 of my children are 5 and under so we never have a dull moment in this "establishment". My husband and I had a totally different idea of what life for us was going to be like. When I met my future husband we had the "how many kids do you want talk". I told him I wanted 8 childrena and he said no way. We negotioated to 3 children. Little did we know that God had different and bigger plans. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my circus of a life :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A sigh of relief

Today was such a fabulous. Today is going to go down on the books as one of the best days I have had. Today we have learned that our foster son Nicholas' (who will now be called Isaiah) biological parents rights were terminated. I am so excited to be able to begin the adoption process on our baby boy. Our little Isaiah has Down Syndrome and he is the sweetest little guy. I love him to pieces and he is just so perfect. Perfect in every way. I just love him so much. He has been through so much while living with his biological family. I will save that story for a later date as he is not yet adopted and I cannot give that info out yet. But he has come so far while being in our care. I give my heavenly father all the credit. We could not do this without him. I believe my little man has come so far because of our miracle working God. God answer's prayers and he has shown his love grace on my Isaiah. My heart truly goes out to his biological family. He has 6 other brother and sisters who truly love him. They were all returned to their parents a few months back. The other children were not treated or negleted in the way that Isaiah was treated. Yes, they were neglected, but I guess they did enough to get them back. But due to Isaiah needs they just didn't seem to understand everything that was involved with caring for a child with Down Syndrome nor did they want to educate themselves on the needs of a child with Down Syndrome. They had 18 months to learn, educate, participate, and show up to appointments that they just refused to go to. So in a way I am happy that he was not returned home as this would pose a very big problem for Isaiah. He would be neglected again and probably fall more behind. After I post his story while in the custody of his parents you will understand more. But believe me, I do grieve for his parents. I know they just didn't care for their child properly, but still they are human with feelings and emotions. We are not allowed for his family to have any contact with him. Sometimes they allow it, but because of the severity of the neglect we cannot. So I pray for his siblings. I pray for strength. I just could not imagine losing my brother. But it had to be done.

This is my little Isaiah (Bubby, this is what I did when I found out you are mine forever)


Next, As some may know we have been in a battle to keep custody of our foster son Cameron who has been with us from birth. The grandmother (who has been found to not be the legal grandmother) was granted visitation with Cameron as they were confident he was going to move there. But we got word today that those visitation have been suspended and now that gets a step closer in completing his adoption. I am so excited.

Cameron (who is also known as Urijah)

I do have a prayer request. We have inquired about a little girl who is 10 yrs. old and has been waiting for a forever home for a year and a half now. Our adoption worker has told us she will not recommend us to adopt her. I beleive that God can work this situation out and give this little girl to us so she can have a forever home. God is bigger than caseworkers. I pray Lord that you work through this and make a way for little Alisia to be with us. Lord her adoption worker has requested that our adoption worker send our homestudy to her so that she can check us out. Lord our worker is standing in the way for this adoption to go through. Lord we have had many complications with this worker. Lord I ask that you remove her out of the way or that Alisia's casewroker would be proactive and determined to get Alisia in our home. Lord I pray for Alisia. Lord please give her peace and please hold her in your arms as she waits and waits. Lord our arms are wide open and we really want her. Lord thank you for working on her behalf and ours. I pray Lord if this is your will that you would make this happen. Amen.


Grace said...

Enjoyed reading your blog. Blessings to you and your family.


Leah Wentzel said...

hi, i came across your blog last night, you have a beautiful family!

I was wondering if you adopted them all through foster care? we are foster parents as well and when I see all those little faces I wonder about the story behind them :)

Many Kids 4 Us said...

Grace- Thank you so much!!!!

Leah- Yes we have adopted them all through the foster care system :)

Susan- thank you so much.