I am so very excited that we had two donations come in this past Friday!!! I am overjoyed to those that have unselfishly given to us. We cannot be more thankful and grateful. Any donation is a huge blessing to us.
We have about $400 dollars more to be able to view profiles and chose are beautiful embryos. I cannot wait to be able to view profiles. Once we chose the profile we want to go with then those babies will be ours. YEAH, how exciting. We are hoping to be able to be pregnant by April. Oh, I really cannot wait.
If you still wish to donate to our embryo adoption and be apart of this wonderful adoption experience with us, we would be more than thrilled. Remember these are human lives frozen in time, and with a waiting womb, and a willing heart, my husband and I have decided that the best route for us to take in achieving a pregnancy and birth is to chose children who are ultimately frozen indefinitely. We are so blessed that this option is available to infertile couples wanting to experience pregnancy. If you are still a little confused by all of this, basically Mark and I are adoption frozen embryos, which will be un-thawed and placed in my womb in hopes of a successful pregnancy. How marvelous is that. If you are still unsure about donating to our adoption, you can help by beginning to pray for our future children. Please pray that I would be able to achieve a pregnancy and deliver a baby. That is the ultimate goal for us.
I would also like to ask that negative thoughts be put aside. Thoughts that we have enough children already. Thoughts that God told us we would have a child. He did, but never did he say a biological child. This is the road we feel God is leading us down. Of course, I still pray daily for a biological child, but perhaps he wants us to do embryo adoption first to save a few frozen babies. Whatever your thoughts may be, can you all work with us and support us positively thorough this journey, and lay aside any thoughts and opinions. We are very grateful for every one's prayers and financial support while we strive for a pregnancy, which is what I very much desire. Thank you for understanding!!!! Much love to you all!!!!
Creating smiles on Gods beautiful children. I love to see a happy and joyful child. It brings so much joy to my heart. I pray that God blesses us with many more children, whether by adoption or biologically. My heart, my home and arms are ready to receive as many children as God wants us to have.
Welcome to my mini home and a glimpse into my life with 9 children. 7 of my children are 5 and under so we never have a dull moment in this "establishment". My husband and I had a totally different idea of what life for us was going to be like. When I met my future husband we had the "how many kids do you want talk". I told him I wanted 8 childrena and he said no way. We negotioated to 3 children. Little did we know that God had different and bigger plans. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my circus of a life :)
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